Product Development
Product Development

Company Development Path
Please see below a brief summary of our development path listing achievements, current undertakings and next steps planned
What We’ve Done
- Research & Development on most common plastic waste streams and combinations, with various contaminants
- Half commercial scale prototype PlasTech Mixer Melter (PMM) built and operated to prove the capability of PlasTech’s PolyWaste Technology
- Manufacture and successful field testing of moulded products from co-mingled and contaminated waste plastics
- Patents granted in key countries
- Additional patent lodged to further secure the original patent and provide coverage in additional countries not covered with the original patents
- Fully automated, commercial scale PlasTech Mixer Melter design and engineering package funded and completed
- Secured sufficient investment to reach initial goals and create a broader shareholder base
- Demonstration Video/s created and promoted
- Website Constructed
- Implemented Joint Venture partnership with a Dutch based consortium to perform further R&D programs with waste textiles and other specific local waste streams in the EU
- Exported Prototype PMM to Netherlands JV
- First Commercial PMM sold and to be installed in 2023
- PlasTech has conducted a testing program funded by the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) www., to evaluate PlasTech’s capability of melting commingled contaminated plastic. This independent testing proved to be very successful at processing a wide variety of mixed soft and rigid waste plastic combinations. PlasTech is ready, willing and able to provide our technology for projects designed to clean up the environment and divert the waste plastic material away from end of life programs such as landfill or waste to energy.

What We’re Doing
- Strategy and funding for both Licensor and Joint Venture commercialisation models
- Ongoing training of an Australian resource employed by the above JV who will reside in the Netherlands to install/operate the demonstration equipment.
- Engaging with commercial and cultural specialists to further develop JV and licensing models that will work in non-western markets, with India as a focus.
Our Next Steps
- Support the R&D, demonstration and commercialisation of the PMM in EU
- Support the new patent through the examination phase of the granting process and develop the justification for countries in which the patent should be filed
- Manufacture and commission the first commercial PMM’s in Australia
- Progress a JV commercialisation strategy in those countries where the value of patents is not respected, yet have significant need for the technology to address plastic waste issues
- Seek cooperative with relevant tertiary institutions to expand research and continue to develop knowledge and the science behind blended plastics on a molecular level
- Develop a comprehensive international government focused marketing program to underpin long term success